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Dramaturgy Database

Choreographies of 21st Century Wars

Choreographies of 21st Century Wars consists of an introduction and sixteen chapters, which are interdisciplinary and geographically diverse. The chapters include field notes, case studies, participant observations, photographs, reflections on war issues and relationships to choreographic practices. The book calls for a rethinking of – or expanded look at – choreography that incorporates the disorder and dispersion of power away from nation states, which is central to this century, and discusses influences such as globalization and mediatization. Within the context of warfare and politics, the book focusses on localized and culturally specific uses of choreography. The authors theorize a framework to help understand the impact the social structure of war has on the aesthetic structures of choreographies and when choreographies execute a social and political agenda.

Morris, Gay, and Jens Richard Giersdorf, eds. Choreographies of 21st Century Wars. Oxford Studies in Dance Theory. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2016.

The term ‘choreography’ seems to be used as a synonym for dramaturgy.